Source:|Author:igreenchemical|Published time: 1923 days ago|14560 Views|Share:
Shanghai iGreen Chemical Co.,Ltd is a professional company committed to design,synthesize and manufacture fluorine compounds,which are widely applied in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, liquid crystals industries. We are among the most knowledgeable in the fluorine chemical industry and constantly strive to enhance the quality and add value of our products and services through ongoing innovation . Building on our technical and commercial expertise,and aware of our societal responsibilities,we provide products and services related to fluorine chemistry to create sustainable and ever-increasing value to our customers, shareholders and employees Our Company is mainly focuse on the research of organofluorine chemistry and fluoride materials. (1) Organofluorine chemistry, particularly the development of new fluorinating reagents and methods (2) Unveiling the unique fluorine effect in organic chemistry (3) Understanding the unique structure-property relationships in fluorinated systems (4) Synthesis of fluorinated functional materials 更多产品和服务,请垂询电话,18964378599,QQ:819373327